Success in Gall Bladder Stone (Cholelithiasis)

On 15th April, 2014, A Male, 52years came to my chamber with diagnosed case of cholelitiasis. He was suffering form profuse eructation and difficulty in defecation. As usual, he went to an Alopathic Doctor. He asked to perform Ultra-sonogram of the whole abdomen and found the stone in the Gall Bladder. (Mr.Mohiuddin Image-1)
I also found, he was suffering from pain in the small joints of his body (Gout) and Bladder Outlet obstruction, on USG report you can see commented calcified prostate. I prescribed him Cholestrinum , Lycopodium , Conium and Nat Sulph in my first prescription.
After 2 months continuation of the first prescription, I asked to perform another USG of whole abdomen. Than found, Thin layer of billiary sludge inside gall bladder lumen.(Mr.Mohiuddin Image-2)
I continued the same group of medicine with higher potency for few more months and asked to perform another USG of whole abdomen. And found, no calculus or sludge inside the gall bladder.
He is taking medicine for his prostate complain, and hopefully will be cure with in next 2-3 months.
Thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH and Homeopathy for this Success.
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