Premature ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm and ejaculates too quickly and without control. In other words, ejaculation occurs before a man wants it to happen. It may occur before or after beginning foreplay or intercourse. Some men experience a lot of personal distress because of this condition.
As many as one in five men experience difficulty with uncontrolled or early ejaculation at some point in life. When premature ejaculation happens so frequently that it interferes with the sexual pleasure of a man or his partner, it becomes a medical problem.
Several factors may contribute to premature ejaculation. Psychological problems such as stress, depression and other factors that affect mental and emotional health can aggravate this condition. However, there is growing evidence that biological factors can make some men more prone to experience premature ejaculation.
Rarely, premature ejaculation can be caused by a specific physical problem, such as inflammation of the prostate gland or a spinal cord problem.
The key symptoms of premature ejaculation include:
• Ejaculation that routinely occurs with little sexual stimulation and with little control
• Decreased sexual pleasure because of poor control over ejaculation
• Feelings of guilt, embarrassment or frustration
Premature ejaculation is diagnosed based on typical symptoms. To understand this problem, doctor will need to discuss patient’s sexual history with both husband and wife (If necessary). Patient’s need to be frank and open. The more doctor knows, the better he help. If a patient’s sexual history fails to reveal significant mental or emotional factors that may contribute to premature ejaculation, doctor may want to examine him, may examine prostate or do neurological tests (tests of nervous system) to determine if there is a physical problem that could be causing premature ejaculation.
Expected Duration to recovery
Sometimes, premature ejaculation goes away on its own over weeks or months. Working to relieve stress or other psychological issues may help the situation to improve. Some men have lasting difficulties with premature ejaculation, and require professional help. Some men respond to treatment promptly, while others struggle with this problem over a prolonged period. Effective treatment is available.
There is no known way to prevent premature ejaculation. However, Men should consider the following advice:
• Maintain a healthy attitude toward sex. If experience feelings of anxiety, guilt or frustration about sex life, consider seeking psychotherapy or sexual therapy.
• Keep in mind that anyone can experience sexual problems. If experience premature ejaculation, try not to blame himself or feel inadequate. Try speaking openly with his partner to avoid miscommunication.
Behavioral therapy is one possible approach for treating premature ejaculation. Most commonly, the “squeeze technique” is used. If a man senses that he is about to experience premature orgasm, he interrupts sexual relations. Then the man or his partner squeezes the shaft of his penis between a thumb and two fingers. The man or his partner applies light pressure just below the head of the penis for about 20 seconds, lets go, and then sexual relations can be resumed. The technique can be repeated as often as necessary. When this technique is successful, it enables the man to learn to delay ejaculation with the squeeze, and eventually, to gain control over ejaculation without the squeeze. Behavioral therapy helps 60% to 90% of men with premature ejaculation. However, it requires the cooperation of both partners. Also, premature ejaculation often returns, and additional behavioral therapy may be needed.
Homeopathic Medicine: In this field, homeopathic medicine has great opportunities. As homeopathic medicines are selected on individual patient symptoms, patient should talk to doctor personally and have the proper medicine
Many men experience a brief period of premature ejaculation, then improve on their own. Even for men who require medical treatment, the outlook is usually become good within 3-6 months.
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