Rabeya Bosree, 20yrs, from Mohakhali, Dhaka, on 20/08/13 came with following complains:
1) Pain in the right breast, radiating to the right axila, pain seems to her- lightening pain, suddenly comes and goes, frequently. And pan also remains always on a low, dull state.
2) Multiple nodule in the Right breast, along with right axila, nodules are mobile, discreet, pain full sometimes.
3) She took homeopathic medicine from another homeopathic doctor, for her complains, before coming to me. After that treatment she felt nothing changed except her Right breast become smaller in size and shape, skin began to wrinkled(???)
I advised for CBC, Memography, X-ray-Chest p/A view and FNAC – at least, 2 different site. And confirmed it was case of Fibroadinoma. She was a nursing mother then. And still now. Her fibroadenoma has disappeared completely and no lymph-node found on the surrounding areas. Her breast size is turning back to normal size (till today almost 80-85%, as per patient and her husband). Thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH.
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